Ep. 098 / What Does It Mean To Be “On Brand” And “Off Brand”?

Ever wondered how our personal values shape the way businesses make decisions? Throughout the episode, we explore the process of defining core values and share our own values and experiences. We stress the importance of authenticity, even in something as seemingly trivial as clothing choices.

As we grow as entrepreneurs there comes a time when we need to evolve, and we share how you can make changes to stay aligned with your values. We encourage you to take the time to define yourself and actively work towards embodying your desired identity. It's all about being intentional, purposeful in our actions, and not being afraid to show our true colors.

So, whether you're a business owner or simply someone looking to live a more authentic life, this episode will provide you with valuable insights and practical tips on staying on brand and true to yourself.


Ep. 099 / Is Twitter's Rebranding to 'X' a Bold Move or a Confusing Mess?


Ep. 097 / Tapping into LinkedIn: Your Guide to Growing Your Influence and Network